

Be Heard Now!

Tap into Your Inner Speaker and Communicate with Ease
by Lee Glickstein

This book is on the cutting edge of where leadership and speaking are going. It will absolutely revolutionize your power with people—on and off the platform. Lee Glickstein's wisdom is unsurpassed.


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Essential Speaking

The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking: Find Your Voice; Change Your Life
by Doreen Downing, PhD

This book by the Senior Training Director of Speaking Circles International shows you a simple and elegant process to understand your fears, normalize them, and transform them.

Many people are crippled in their personal and professional lives by a deep fear of speaking in public. They avoid leadership roles, suffer anxiety in group settings, and refuse invitations where they might be called upon to speak.

If you struggle with being in the spotlight because you can’t control your nerves and you worry about being judged, The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking is for you.

Take the journey to go beyond scripts and performance techniques to connect to the Essence of who you truly are.

You’ll discover the power of the 7 Secrets to:

  • Reach a calm, centered, inner core of strength
  • Engage your listeners and radiate confidence
  • Be your authentic self and speak with ease

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The Essence of Authentic Presenting Based on the Speaking Circles® Method
by Jennet Burghard and Koos Wolcken

Present! offers you a surprisingly simple way to present yourself authentically, based on Speaking Circles®. No tips or tricks on how to stand and what to say to impress. The essence comes down to this: speak in a way that makes people listen and listen in a way that makes people speak. How do you do this? Literally, be present in the here and now when you communicate. With clear explanations, personal notes and practical exercises, Present! is a unique and instantly useful book on presenting.

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De essentie van authentiek presenteren volgens de methode van Speaking Circles®
by Jennet Burghard and Koos Wolcken

Ons boek Present! geeft je inzicht in een verrassend eenvoudige manier om authentiek te presenteren, gebaseerd op de methodiek van Speaking Circles. Geen tips en trucs over hoe te staan en wat te zeggen om te imponeren. In essentie gaat het hierom: zo spreken dat mensen luisteren en zo luisteren dat mensen spreken.

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